computer crime and security


Unit 4

What is computer crime and computer security?

Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a computer network or a networked device. Most cybercrime is committed by cybercriminals or hackers who want to make money. However, occasionally cybercrime aims to damage computers or networks for reasons other than profit.


What is the types of computer crime?

Cybercrimes can generally be divided into two categories:

Crimes that target networks or devices

Crimes using devices to participate in criminal activities


Phishing Emails



DoS Attacks

Identity Theft


What are 10 computer crimes?

·         Top Examples of Cybercrime. Online Impersonation. Social Network Fraud. Cyberbullying. Password Trafficking. Cyber Extortion. Child Pornography. Identity Theft. Unauthorized System Access. Online Piracy. Online Solicitation.

·         What are the 5 example of computer crime?

·         Various types of Cyber crime attack modes are 1) Hacking 2) Denial Of Service Attack 3) Software Piracy 4) Phishing 5) Spoofing.


What are two elements of computer crime?


In simple words, cybercrime can be divided into two big categories: Computer as a target and computer as a tool. Computer as a target crimes require much higher expertise from the perpetrators and are usually committed as a group of individuals rather than loners.


Who is the father of computer ethics?

Donn Parker of SRI,

Why is cyber security important?


Cybersecurity is crucial because it safeguards all types of data against theft and loss. Sensitive data, protected health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), intellectual property, personal information, data, and government and business information systems are all included.30-Jan-2023

Who is the father of computer article?


Charles Babbage

What are 3 benefits of cyber security?


10 Advantages of Cyber Security

·         Protection of Sensitive Data. ...

·         Business Continuity. ...

·         Compliance with Regulations. ...

·         Enhanced Customer Trust. ...

·         Competitive Benefit. ...

·         Early Detection and Response. ...

·         Intellectual Property Protection. ...

·         Reputation Protection.

What are types of cyber security?

Types of Cybersecurity:

·         Network Security – ...

·         Application Security – ...

·         Information or Data Security: ...

·         Cloud Security – ...

·         Mobile Security – ...

·         Endpoint Security: ...

·         Critical Infrastructure Security- ...

·         Internet of Things (IoT) Security-

Who is known as computer mother?

Ada Lovelace was known as the Mother Of Computer.

What is the full meaning of computer?

The full form of Computer is "Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research"

What is cyber Defence?

Cyber defense is a coordinated act of resistance that guards information, systems, and networks from cyber attacks by implementing protective procedures such as firewalls, network detection and response (NDR), endpoint detection and response (EDR) to identify, analyze, and report incidents that occur within a network.

Who is first programmer?

Ada Lovelace




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