computer fundamentals (part-4) questions with answers


1.What are the features of word processors?

Fast, Permanent storage, Formatting, Editing, Graphics, OLE, Spell Check, Mail merge

2. How many types a documented can be viewed?

Normal view , Online layout, Outline view , Page layout view

3. What are the menus available in Ms-Word?

File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window, Help

4. What is meant by Formatting?

Formatting is the process of changing the appearance of the text in the document.

5. Specify any five toolbars available in Ms-Word?

Standard, Formatting, Drawing, Tables & Boarders, WordArt etc.,

6. How many Line Spacing options available in Ms-Word?

Single, 1.5 Lines, Double, At least, Exactly, Multiple

7. What are the Text cases available in Ms-Word?

Sentence case, lower case, UPPER CASE, Title Case, tOGGLE CASE

8. What is Subscript and Superscript?

The Subscript format places the text slightly below a line of normal printed text.

Eg:-H2O The Superscript format places the text slightly above a line of normal printed text.


9. Define Headers and Footers.

Header allows text, page number or section titles to appear on every page of document at

the top position. Footer allows text, page number or section titles to appear on every page of

document at the bottom position.

10. What is a Table?

A Table is grid of rows and columns.

11. What is a Clipart?

Clipart is the attractive pre-defined, pre-colored pictures available in Ms-Word office


12. Define a Template.

Template is a special kind of document that produces basic tools for shaping a final


13. Enlist the advantage of algorithm.

The term algorithm is now applied to many kinds of problem solving that employ a

mechanical sequence of steps, as in setting up a computer program. The sequence may be

displayed in the form of a flowchart in order to make it easier to follow.

14. State the usage of Excel application software.

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet tool capable of performing calculations, analyzing data

and integrating information from different programs. Microsoft Excel is comprised of

organizational units called workbooks. A standard workbook contains worksheets and chart

sheets. Worksheets perform calculations, store and organize data, present graphics and controls

like a web page; they are extremely versatile. A worksheet in turn is comprised of millions of

cells. The job of a cell is to store a formula that performs a calculation or communicates with

some other application (i.e. program) such as a database.


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