Overview of C

 C is developed by Dennis Ritchie

• C is a structured programming language

• C preferred  those functions that enables easy maintainability of code, by breaking large file into smaller modules.

• Generally Comments in C programming language gives  easy readability.

• C is a powerful language.

A sample C Program




-- statements

// Comments


Header files:

• The files which are defined in the include section is called as header file.

• These files are called precompiled files which has some functions defined in them

• These functions can be called in the program by supplying parameters.

• Header files are defined with an extension .h

• The Source file of C programming is given an extension .c

main functions:

• It is recognized as start of a program

•In time of file execution, the beginning of any program is the main function.

• From main function the flow of the program goes as per the programmer’s choice.

• There might be other functions written by user in a program

• without Main function a c program cann’t be written.

Sample program:


 main ()





• This program prints “Ram” on the screen when it will executed.

How to run a C program

• First Type a program

• Save it

• Then Compile the program – It will generate an exe file (executable)

• Run the program (That exe created out of Compilation will run and not the .c file)

• In several compilers we've different option for Compiling and running. We give only the Concepts.

7. Comments in C:

 • Single line comment

– // (double slash)

– Termination of comment is by pressing enter


• Multi line comment



This can span over to multiple lines

8. Data types in C:

• Primitive data types

– int, float, double, char

• Aggregate data types

– Arrays come under this category

– Arrays data type  could be a collection of int or float or

char or double data

• User defined data types

– Structures and enum fall under this category.

9. Variable:

• Variables are data which will keep it up changing

• Declaration


int b;

• Definition


• Usage

b=b+1; //increments the value of a by 1

10. Variable name rules:

• shouldn't be a reserved word like int etc..

• Should start with a letter or an


• Can contain letters, numbers or


• No other special characters are allowed

including space

• Variable names are case sensitive

–A and a aredifferent.

11.Input and output:

• Input


–  Any type of value from the user can be

Stored in the name of “a”

• Output

– printf(“%d”,a);

– Prints the worth present in variable a on the


12. Operators:

• Arithmetic (+,-,*,/,%)

• Relational (>=,<=,==,!=)

• Logical (&&,||,!)

• Bitwise (&,|,^,~,<<,>>)

• Assignment (=,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,<=,>=,&=,^=,|=)

• Shift (right shift >>, left shift <<)

12. String functions:

strlen(str) – To find length of string str

strrev(str) – Reverses the string str as rts

strcat(str1,str2) – this function appends str2 to str1 and  returns str1

strcpy(st1,st2) – It copies the content of st2 to st1

strcmp(s1,s2) – It compares the two string s1 and  s2

strcmpi(s1,s2) – It is case insensitive comparison of  strings

13.Numeric functions:

 pow(n,x) – It evaluates the  n^x

abs(num) – It returns a absolute value

log(x)    -It Logarithmic value

sin(x):Sine value 

cos(x):cosine value

tan(x):tan value

14.C keywords and identifiers:

here you will get to know about keywords; reserved words in C programming language that are part of the syntax.. Also get to know how to write indentifiers. Here it is given below..

C Identifiers:

Character set

In c programming, character set is a set of alphabets, letters and some special characters.


Uppercase: A B C ................................... X Y Z 

Lowercase: a b c ...................................... x y z

C accepts both lowercase and uppercase alphabets as variables and functions.



Special case characters, white space characters

Identifier refers to call given to entities like variables, functions, structures etc. Identifiers must be unique. they're created to administer a singular name to an entity to spot it during the execution of the program. For example: int money; double accountBalance; Here, money and accountBalance are identifiers. Also remember, identifier names must vary from keywords. you can't use int as an identifier because int could be a keyword. Rules for naming identifiers.It cannot be used like keywords eg. int, while etc. as identifiers. 

C keywords:

 Keywords are predefined, reserved words employed in programming that have special meanings to the compiler. Keywords are part of the syntax and that they cannot be used as an identifier. For example: int mango; Here, int could be a keyword that indicates mango could be a variable of type int (integer). As C may be a case sensitive language, all keywords must be written in lowercase. Here could be a list of all keywords allowed in ANSI C.

C Keywords are given here i.e. Auto,double, int ,struct ,break ,else ,long ,switch case ,enum register, type def ,char ,extern ,return ,union ,continue, for ,signed ,void ,do, if ,static ,while ,default goto ,sizeof ,volatile ,const ,float ,short ,unsigned. 

Video tutorial on C Programming overview:

Examples of C programs(see the full program click on the below given links)

 1.Write a c program to swap two numbers.

2.C program to find Roots of a Quadratic Equation

3.C program to Check it is Leap Year or not

4.C program to check Positive or Negative Using if...else

5.Sum of Natural Numbers Using for Loop

6.Factorial of a Number

7.Multiplication Table Up to 10

8.write a c program to find the fibonacci Series up to n terms

9.write a c program to find  GCD

10.write a c program to find LCM

11.write a c Program to Check Prime Number

12.write a c program to find the factors of a number

13.write a c Program to Count the Number of Digits

14.Write a c program to find the reversed number

15.write a c program to find the power

16.write a c program to Check Palindrome

17.write a c program to find the prime numbers from a interval

18.write a c program to Check Armstrong Number of three digits

19.write a c program to ftnd the average of 10 random numbers

20.write a c Program to find the Largest number from a random 10 numbers

21.write a c program to Add Two Matrices

22.write a c program to take input of a matrix and find Transpose of the Matrix


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