DTP- 1 word Question and answer


1.         What is the function of Microsoft Excel?

Answer: Spreadsheet software for data analysis and manipulation.

2.         In Excel, what is a cell reference that refers to a cell in column C and row 4?

Answer: C4.

3.         What does the function "=SUM(A1:A5)" do in Excel?

Answer: Adds the values in cells A1 through A5.

4.         How do you freeze panes in Excel?

Answer: View tab > Freeze Panes.

5.         What is the purpose of the "VLOOKUP" function in Excel?

Answer: Searches for a value in the first column of a table and returns a value in the same row from another column.

6.         How can you create a chart in Excel?

Answer: Insert tab > Chart.

7.         What is the keyboard shortcut to paste special values in Excel?

Answer: Alt + E, S, V.

8.         What is the maximum number of rows in an Excel worksheet?

Answer: 1,048,576 (in Excel 2007 onwards).

9.         What is the purpose of the "IF" function in Excel?

Answer: Performs a logical test and returns one value if true and another if false.

10.       How can you protect a worksheet in Excel from unauthorized editing?

Answer: Review tab > Protect Sheet.

11.       What is the default file format for saving images in MS Paint?

Answer: .bmp (Bitmap).

12.       Which toolbar in MS Paint contains tools for selecting, cropping, and resizing?

Answer: Home toolbar.

13.       What is the keyboard shortcut for undoing the last action in MS Paint?

Answer: Ctrl + Z.

14.       Which tool is used to draw free-form lines in MS Paint?

Answer: Pencil.

15.       In MS Paint, what does the "Fill with color" tool do?

Answer: Fills a selected area with a chosen color.

16.       How do you zoom in on an image in MS Paint?

Answer: View > Zoom In or Ctrl + Plus (+).

17.       What is the maximum number of colors available in the color palette of MS Paint?

Answer: 28.

18.       Which menu option allows you to flip or rotate an image in MS Paint?

Answer: Image.

19.       What is the purpose of the "Eraser" tool in MS Paint?

Answer: Removes part of the drawing or image.

20.       How can you add text to an image in MS Paint?

Answer: Text tool in the toolbar.


21.       What company developed Adobe PageMaker?

Answer: Adobe.

22.       In desktop publishing, what does DTP stand for?

Answer: Desktop Publishing.

23.       What is the primary purpose of Adobe PageMaker?

Answer: Layout Design.

24.       Which file format does PageMaker commonly use for documents?

Answer: .pmd.

25.       What tool is used for placing and manipulating images in PageMaker?

Answer: Place Gun.

26.       Which menu option is used for adjusting the spacing between lines of text?

Answer: Format.

27.       Question: What is a master page in PageMaker?

Answer: Template for pages.

28.       How do you view a document in PageMaker without the guides and frames?

Answer: Preview Mode.

29.       What does the "Story Editor" feature in PageMaker allow you to do?

Answer: Edit text content.

30.       Which feature helps you maintain consistency in font and style throughout a document?

Answer: Styles

31.       What adjusts brightness and contrast?

Answer: Levels.

32.       : Which tool removes unwanted elements?

Answer: Clone.

33.       What enhances colors in an image?

Answer: Saturation.

34.       Which panel displays layers?

Answer: Layers.

35.       What tool helps correct imperfections?

Answer: Patch.

36.       What creates a gradual color transition?

 Answer: Gradient.

37.       What allows precise object selection?

Answer: Pen.

38.       What defines the edges of a selection?

Answer: Feather.

39.       What saves a project for future edits?

Answer: Save.

40.       What is used for precise image resizing?

Answer: Crop.

41.       From which menu you can insert Header and Footer?

 Insert Menu

42. To get to the ‘Symbol’ dialog box, click on the menu and choose which ‘Symbol’.

 Ans: Insert

43. which option from clipboard is used to move data from one place to another in document.


 Ans: Cut & Paste


44. what is an option in Font Group.

 Ans: Strike through


45. Name the button in the picture?

  Ans: Highlighter tool

46. what is the Shortcut for document views toolbar is situated in bar.

 Ans: Status bar

47. what Bullets and Numbering is in tab.

Ans:  Home tab





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